Life of a Gibbs Girl Camp 2019



$99 per week

All children, ages 6-10

Three Days, Three Experiences: Life as a Pioneer Girl, Dakota Girl, and Victorian girl. Campers discover what the lives of pioneer girls, Dakota girls, and Victorian girls were like in the 1800s. This craft-based camp offers children a first-hand appreciation of the daily lives of girls in days gone by. Some activities include attending a quilting bee, creating a yarn doll, dipping candles, and square dancing on Pioneer Day, putting up a tipi, beading, and making cornhusk dolls on Dakota Day, and “taking tea” and making tussie-mussies following a nature walk on Victorian Day.

Campers bring a bag lunch each day.

Each Thursday, campers will hold an open house for their families. Open house begins at 12:30 and all family members are invited as our guests.

Neon CRM by Neon One